THE HISTORY OF                         

                                                          Mystic_symbol.gif (1049 bytes)Mysticword.jpg (3930 bytes)Mystic_symbol.gif (1049 bytes) Tm(all 3)

Date: june 19th ,2001

I am Sam Sears, Founder, Creater, Writer for,... Mystic. I have always tried to write a novel. I have always been creative and finaly, as i begain to be a Freshman in highschool, I abonded the "Demons" idea and Begain work on what was to be,... GOTHIC LIGHT.

Soon I met up with Dave Allen, who would begain to write Warrior's Destiny (then he realy didn't have a titled and it was blade instead of sy and there was no vorbec only a realy big and powerfull zander, you'll get it when it's published) Anyways i begain to make several pointers to him on it.

I am responsible for so much in that book that when i commented, you know,... i'm publishing everything i do underthing mystic logo, no matter what i have to do to do it. He said, "just you? what about me?" So instantly mystic wasn't mine alone, it was to be an orgination, then one of my best freinds Hindu Williams (his real name to me!) said he was writing a novel aswell, and thus we had our third member. He though wouldn't accepte much help, it's his style.

Together we are mystic.  A name born in Gothic light, An orginaztion in both a book and the real world. This one just a bunch of writers who hope to do something for this world, hopefully good.

The site came about as Gothic light and warrior's destiny were both getting realy clost to completion so hopefully be next year at this time,... All three of us will be published auther's and mystic can begain to grow.

I can't honestly say i think the website will be a big hit, but the books will be great. For our age at least, were great writers,.. and we got stories to tell and messages to send, hopefully all shall recieve them, and learn from them AND BE ENTERTAINED!